Devang Vaidya Counselling and Psychotherapy
Archway - Crouch End - Highgate - Islington, London N19

CPD, Supervision, Study Groups, Symposiums, Seminars, Teaching

Philosophy reading groups, study groups, supervision groups, symposiums, and seminars for therapists of all modalities:

* Deepening theory and practice: self & peer supervision models
* Linking existential philosophy and psychotherapy
* Critical approaches to psychotherapy research
* Critical psychopathology, psychoanalysis, and humanistic-existential therapy
* Innovative CPD: Learning from films, literature, music, and opera

Conference and symposium presentations:

* ontology of psychological incongruence (PCE2012, Antwerp, 2012)
* what might it mean to love one's fate (PCE Symposium, Prague, 2014)
* existential authenticity and moral sensibility (EXISTanbul Conference, Istanbul, 2015)
* existential affectivity and embodying the 'Absurd' (SEA Conference, London, 2016)
* the existential crisis facing modern existential therapy (SEA Symposium, London, 2017)
* radical hope in the present age (PCE2018, Vienna 2018)
* radical hope in the present age (SEA Conference, London, 2018))
* existential roots of personhood in person-centred therapy (PCE Symposium, Warsaw, 2019)
* be-coming and be-longing: a personal encounter (CCC Edge, Pecs-Hungary, 2019)
* ecstatic nature of music and pathos-filled existential transitions (SEA Conference, London, 2019)
* the ironies of race relations (SEA Seminar, Online, 2020)
* therapists' therapy (SEA Symposium, Online, 2020)
* epiphanies of delight - might we enjoy what is good for us? (SEA Conference, Online, 2020)
* beyond doubt and (un)certainty (SEA Symposium, Online, 2021)
* existence exceeds essence / reality is weird! (SEA Symposium, Online, 2021)
* eros on the horizons of the desiring body (EXISTanbul Conference, (Online), 2021)
* the paradox of becoming and belonging - the case of Ellen West (SEA Conference, (Online), 2021)
* the present age of sickness unto death (SEA Seminar, (Online), 2022)
* how to get a philosopher right (SEA Symposium, (Online), 2022)
* Kierkegaard and the paradox of becoming & belonging (St. Olaf's College, (Online), May 2022)
* significance of indirect communication in existential therapy (SEA Seminar (Online), 2022)
* therapeutic love as a Socratic task (SEA Seminar, (Online), 2022)
* Rogers and Kierkegaard on selfhood: the paradox of becoming and belonging (PCE2022, Copenhagen, Jul. 2022)
* non-directivity re-visited: therapy as works of love (PCE2022, Copenhagen, Jul. 2022)
* the moral and the political as inseparable dimensions of existential therapy (SEA Conference, London, 2022)
* the paradox of incongruence and congruence in human selfhood (PCE Symposium, Athens, Sep. 2023)
* the unitive & contributory aspects of therapeutic love, (SEA Conference, London, Nov. 2023)
* the erotic abyss and the abysmal erotic: sexuality beyond consensual seduction (SEA Seminar (Online), Apr. 2024)
* the spillage of affect: utterances of the unspoken (FETE Seminar (Online), Apr. 2024)


The Paradox of Therapeutic Love: Principled Non-Directivity and Kierkegaard's Existence Communication, PCE2024, Athens, Sept. 2024

Researchgate Profile and Publications:

Søren Kierkegaard’s philosophy of repetition as ‘the task of freedom to overcome despair’ and its significance for Carl Rogers’ person-centred form of existence-oriented therapy

Re-visioning Carl Rogers’ Second Condition – Anxiety as the face of ontological incongruence and basis for the principle of non-directivity in PCT therapy in Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies. Sep 2013, Vol. 12 Issue 3, p209-222

Friedrich Nietzsche's Amor fati - Suffering to become the person one is

The Criticality of Therapeutic Irony for Existence-Oriented Therapy with Continuing Reference to Kierkegaard - in Existential Analysis 34.1: Journal of the Society of Existential Analysis Jan 2023, Vol. 34 Issue 1, p29-45.

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